::A Little Annoyed...

So this could be considered a "vent" post, but I gotta get it out cause it's festering. 

I have a BIG problem with people who invite themselves into situations where they weren't invited. I'm talking about parties, holiday celebrations, special occasions (like Superbowl), etc. It really gripes my ass. I think it's so rude, so assuming of them to think they are wanted or welcome for whatever the occasion, and I can't even imagine ever doing that myself. I will never show up to someones home or call them and invite myself over for any occasion without first being invited by them. Even with family members. 

I've been a victim of the "self-inviting patrons" many times, and every time it happens, it literally makes me wanna cry. While the "self-inivting patrons" probably don't mean to create a hardship, it puts me (or anyone for that matter) in such an awkward position trying to juggle every one and not hurt anyone's feelings. I'm mean honestly, what is one supposed to say when someone asks if they can come over and spend the day/ holiday/ whatever with you because they don't have anywhere else to go or whatever reason they are alone on that given day? If I say "yes" it changes the dynamics of how the day was intended to go. If I say "no", I'm a heartless bitch. I guess the bottom line for me is basically this: if you didn't receive a call, text, or written invitation, don't assume you are included in the plans of others. 

Sigh.... I feel better... kind of....

So please, I beg of you, remember this post next time you feel lonely and want to invite yourself over to crash someone else's plans. While it may not seem like a big deal on the surface, you may very well be causing a boat load of stress for someone else that could easily be avoided. 

Happy Monday!


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I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and a student of life. I am a broken, but trying to be the best mommy and wife I can be.
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