Monday, July 23, 2012

::Movie Theater Tragedy


so my computer screen has been blank for the last 15 minutes...
I have no idea where to even begin my thoughts...

First off, I don't think this is the appropriate time to debate the issue of gun control, so lets leave that for another blog post. 

My heart is broken. It's broken for the victims and their families. It's broken for the parents of the murderer, because they didn't deserve this. The victims and their families didn't deserve this. Nobody did.

I'm speechless....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

::So, I bought a BlendTec...

I did it! I finally cracked and bought a BlendTec Total Blender! It arrived yesterday, and was put to use within minutes of it being dropped off by my lovely UPS delivery man. 

I LOVE THIS THING! The recipe book it came with gave me so much inspiration for eating healthier, and now that I have this superhero blender, I'll probably just drink my meals for the rest of my life... kidding (maybe!). 

I bought it from Costco (with my Costco Amex...extended warranty and buyer protection) for $399.99. It came with both the classic 4-side jar and the wildslide jar (which is an extra $99 if you buy it anywhere else). Plus, prices were way better than anything I was able to find online. 

So here's what it looks like (picture above). And if you're interested in buying one, click HERE to go directly to and see what it's all about!

Happy Blending!!!!
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I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and a student of life. I am a broken, but trying to be the best mommy and wife I can be.
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