Landon and Connor decides to start cutting multiple molars while we were visiting Chad's family in Las Vegas. As you can imagine, it made for a stressful, difficult and not-so-enjoyable-at-times trip for everyone involved.... I'm still reeling from the unrelenting trials that we were faced with that trip!
Since we were all together, which is rare these days, my mother in law wanted to get together for a family picture. Good idea, right? Not exactly. Not when the pictures were taken outside, in Las Vegas, in mid-May, when it was 95 degrees at 10am. Chad and I were miserable, and so were L & C. They were so pissed off and they wanted everyone to know it! My poor little Connor SCREAMED at the top of his tiny little lungs the whole time we were there (which only ended up being about 45 minutes). After tears were shed by both of us, I quietly told Chad that I wasn't going to subject my kids to this nonsense any longer and I walked the opposite direction as the group and headed straight for the car. Connor screamed the entire way, and I cried because I felt so miserably exhausted and bad for my little guy. He had sweat dripping down the back of his neck and his race was as red as a vine-ripened tomato. Once we got to the car, it took 5-10 minutes of full blast AC, and a bottle, to get him to stop crying. Shortly after he calmed down, Chad walked up to the car and we got the hell outta dodge.
The thing that frustrated us both was the pressure and pushiness from the photographer. While I appreciate her persistence in trying to make the pictures happen, my kids were NOT in the mood to oblige her, nor was I at that point. Parents know their children best, and Chad and I both knew that we were past the point of no return with the kids. The only thing we could do to protect and calm our boys was to remove ourselves from the situation and get them to a calm, cool and quiet place where they could relax.
Parenting Lesson # 1,208,208,657::: Don't ever let anyone MAKE you do something if you know if your gut that it's not in the best interest for your babies. In that moment, I went from wife, daughter and sister to Mother Lion. Don't EVER mess with my cubs or I'll bite your head off!
Happy Tuesday, Friends!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Baby Daze
Everyday Living
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- Katie
- I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and a student of life. I am a broken, but trying to be the best mommy and wife I can be.

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