My baby boys are 8 months old! I just cannot believe how FAST the time has gone by... I still remember the evening I found out I was pregnant, the day we found out we were having twins, seeing their tiny flickering hearts on the ultrasound, learning that they were boys, the day they were born, and all the amazing firsts that have happened over the last 8 months. While I wished that this would come, I want to keep my precious little guys babies forever.
This evening, my husband was choking on a drink and was coughing from it... my little monkeys both started to fake cough to be like their daddy! Monkey See, Monkey Do! We just adore our precious gifts and soak up everyday with them as they grow and develop.
Thank you, God, for our little miracles!
LOVE!!! Do they have little brown tufts of hair on top now, or is that shadowing?
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